Interlibrary Loan

In order to meet the reading needs of our community the library participates in a program called Inter-Library Loans (ILL).  If you are looking for a book, audiobook, or movie that we do not have in our collection we often can borrow it from another library in state!  All we need is a title and author and we can search a database online connecting all libraries participating in ILL and borrow it from them for you.  There is no charge for this service but it is only available to patrons living inside the city of Wheatland or are Clinton County residents. 


Here is how the system works!

  • Patron gives the librarian a book title and author name of what they would like to borrow. 
  • Librarian searches SILO to see what libraries have the item for loan and puts in a request for the patron.
  • The lending library receives the request and either fills it or passes it on to the next library on the list. 
  • Once a library agrees to lend the book they send it to our library through IAShares a courier service for Iowa Libraries.
  • IAShares delivers to our library on Thursday afternoons and once we receive the item we will contact you for pick up.
  • You come in pick up the book, and read it before the due date the lending library designates (if you want to renew, please contact us before the due date). 
  • Return the item to us before the due date and we send it back to the lending library!  All done.